Christian Counselors...

Discover the Proven Method to Earn Six Figures While Achieving Rapid Healing for Trauma Clients And Work Fewet Hours.


You Can be Successful

- As a Counselor and Financially.

"I'm still stunned. Those memories that haunted me don't bother me at all now. Instead, when I do think about them, and it isn't often, I just feel the peace of Christ." Mischelle

We didn't become counselors to heal our clients but struggle financially.

Are you a dedicated counselor struggling to make ends meet despite your passion for helping others?

Do you find yourself working long hours, yet unable to break through to financial stability?

Imagine a world where you can make an amazing income, work fewer hours, and see your trauma clients completely healed in just three days.

Sounds unbelievable? It's not.

Meet Sarah, a counselor who was once in your shoes. Overwhelmed, underpaid, and questioning her career choice, Sarah found herself on the brink of burnout.

But everything changed when she discovered the transformative methods outlined in “In His Name.”

Sarah's Story

Sarah had a dream—to help people heal from their deepest traumas. But the reality was harsh.

She spent countless hours with clients, yet saw little true progress and even less financial reward.

She felt stuck, wondering if her efforts would ever lead to the success she envisioned. She knew there had to be more.

Then, Sarah came across the revolutionary techniques in “In His Name” and realized that this is what she had been seeking.

She took a leap of faith, applied the methods, and within months, her life transformed.

Sarah now effortlessly makes six figures, working fewer hours, and her clients experience profound healing in just three days.

The results were not only life-changing for her clients but also for her.

The Method

What if you could replicate Sarah's success? You can. The techniques in “In His Name” are designed to:

  • Double Your Income: Implement strategies that attract more clients and increase your earnings.

  • Reduce Working Hours: Learn efficient methods that maximize your time and energy, giving you more freedom.

  • Achieve Rapid Client Healing: Employ proven techniques that bring about swift and profound healing for your trauma clients (I will tell you more about this in a minute).

Become a Specialist and Charge Specialist Rates.

This type of trauma healing is something special, so, it takes specialized training to be successful.

I want to tell you how I have brought real, complete, permanent healing to my trauma clients in a single weekend! My current fee to my clients for this weekend of highly specialized counseling is $7800.

I love my clients and I love working with the Lord so He can heal them in ways that traditional counseling never could. Once I learned how to hold a Weekend Breakthrough, my clients received the freedom and healing they so desperately wanted and I finally felt that I was being paid what I was worth.

I added on these weekend intensives to my practice. Just one weekend a month and my income doubled.

THIS intensive weekend healing gives the results we have always wanted for our trauma clients AND gives us financial success as well.

This type of counseling is very different.

It is focused, intense and life-transforming. The training for this methodology will bring the results to your clients that you envisioned when you were in school but hadn't seen played out in real world practice.

Just as a General Practitioner is not qualified to do heart surgery, most counselors are not trained for such in-depth, inner healing, trauma work.

Significant damage can be done if the surgeon is not qualified - or the counselor. But, once trained, they become the expert that can go where others cannot.

This is why specialist rates are higher and why specialists work with fewer clients. When I go to my own Cardiologist I pay a premium for his expertise. So do my Weekend Breakthrough clients for mine.

I wrote "In His Name," to tell you how your clients can be healed completely and quickly, I will also tell you how you can be trained to do this type of counseling and be paid well for this specialty work.

We can help our clients to be healed, whole and free in just days AND prosper in our work AND glorify God.

Learn how to work with Christ to heal the deepest wounds. This is the true key to setting your clients free!

This is how your clients will be healed in just a weekend.

This is a Front-Line, Elite-Trained, Taking-on-the-Enemy-Without-Fear Specialization That Brings Glory and Honor to Christ's Work and Sets His People Free.

Here's a look at What You'll Discover When You Get Your Copy of "In His Name".

How to co-counsel with Christ in every session, with every client and see the results of His ability to heal and bring freedom to each.

How I learned the method of counseling that results in complete, permanent and very quick transformation from deeply traumatized to being set free.

How we can tap into what only God can do. Relying on ourselves and humanistic methodology cannot bring the healing that God can.

How to work directly with the Lord in a counseling session so your trauma clients receive from Him the healing they so desperately need.

The Weekend Breakthrough format that changes lives and brings the freedom from trauma memories that our clients crave and that we want to bring to them.

How to Follow up after a Weekend Breakthrough to ensure that they know how to live as a person healed and whole in every area of their life.

Let’s talk about doubling your income or even more. The Weekend Breakthrough method is specialized training and you can charge specialist rates.

How adding just one Weekend Breakthrough per month will change your practice - You could at least double your income or instead work just one weekend a month and keep your current income.

Why you shouldn’t do a Weekend Breakthrough. There are definite reasons to be careful with this format until you are trained and ready.

Marketing to reach your target audience and why you need to pick a niche to serve.

Counselor training in the Weekend Breakthrough method - I’ll tell you about the intensive certification training and what’s included.

How I’ll do your marketing for six months or more if you choose. I’ll pay to get your name out there as a counselor who can heal trauma memories in a weekend and grow your practice.

Picture This

You wake up each morning excited to help your clients, knowing you’ll see them make remarkable progress in just a few days. (My method isn't just for a Weekend Intensive, you can easily integrate it into your daily practice)

Your schedule is manageable, your income is thriving, and you finally have the work-life balance you’ve always dreamed of.

You’re not just another therapist—you’re a beacon of hope and transformation.

Can you see it? The power to change lives and achieve financial freedom is within your grasp.

In His Name” will open yours eyes to how to make this vision a reality.

Normal should be that every client is... Completely. Permanently. Healed...

...In just a weekend.

I know that sounds impossible but I have had the same results of healing and freedom over and over. And, we have a God of the impossible.

I have a 100% success rate with my Weekend Breakthroughs!

  • Trauma CAN be healed completely and quickly.

  • When Christ is in our sessions, miracles happen every time.

  • This type of trauma counseling will grow your practice in a big way.

Your client AND you will connect with the Lord in a deep, sweet, powerful way in this kind of work.

To work directly with the Lord is the honor of our lives and the joy of our hearts.

Normal should also be that you are paid well for your amazing skills... you can stop stressing over money!

My goal has never been to be rich. My goal has been to earn enough money to not think about money so that I don't have to hesitate to be a generous giver.

  • You can work one weekend a month and make what you usually make in a whole month or more.

  • You can add in one Weekend Breakthrough per month and at least double your income.

  • You can become a trauma healing specialist and be paid appropriately.

Our focus is always for our clients and their healing and that God is glorified through it.

This method does just that AND earns you what you need for your life and family.

Christ must be woven into our sessions.

We weren't taught this in school.

I used to believe that trauma, once experienced, would always be a part of life - the pain could be lessened but not removed through counseling. That's what I was taught, weren't you?

But, the Lord has taught me that trauma is not the life sentence we were led to believe.

I have seen our God fully heal horrendous trauma memories many times in the over two decades of my counseling practice. The results are complete and permanent. They are also astonishingly fast when we know how to work with Him.

Until I learned to work with the Lord, my best counseling efforts didn't bring the healing I wanted for my clients. Now, I expect healing for all of my clients.

Painful memories, PTSD, the triggers, the internal limitations, the pain and shame all can be changed to peace. And, it can be done in one weekend.

One weekend is all that is needed to heal trauma. Seriously. One Weekend.

No more painful memories. Fear is removed. Hearts are restored. And, it is my joy to be a part of it. It could be yours too.

My clients are stunned at the incredible results and filled with joy after being set free. I will tell you how in "In His Name."

Here is the truth

Christ Heals Quickly, Completely and Permanently.

Unless you were taught how to work with Christ, you probably have not experienced these same results. When you learn how, these results will define your practice and will be what you expect for all of your clients.

In, "In His Name," I will teach you how Christ is in our sessions and how that results in this incredible healing.

This is what was missing from our counseling training but is the reason we can truly call ourselves "Christian" counselors.

In the book I will give you information on how I run a "Weekend Breakthrough" where clients are healed in just days.

Do you want to know how the impossible is possible? It is working with Christ in our sessions. Do you want to know how to work directly with Him?


My friends keep commenting on how different I am since the weekend breakthrough. I feel different too. If I had known I could heal from my past in just a few days I would have done this years ago. Better late than never, right? Thank you, Kim. You have changed my entire future.


For anyone, who needs and wants healing, without the whole months and/or years of counseling without any true and lasting freedom. I highly recommend Dr. Kim West! I praise God for sending His chosen vessel along when He did.


I thanked Our Lord sooooo much for sending you into my life. You saved it...I was at the brink of the pit... So I asked Our Lord to bless you for all you have done to help me...putting Humpty-Dumpty back together again and for pulling me off the ledge.

This is What Will Transform Your Practice

If you’re ready to learn the method I use to quickly bring full trauma healing to your clients…

Changing the lives of those most broken and hurt by the world…

While learning how to work with the Lord in your practice…

Rapidly building trust with your results...

...and eliminating the heartache of seeing your trauma clients still in pain after all your hard work with them...

My book, "In His Name," can show you what to do.

The advantages of using this method are outlined in the book, but at the very core of this method are these truths:

  • Trauma absolutely can be healed, quickly, completely and permanently...

  • Christ is willing, ready and able to work with you in your practice to bring healing and freedom to His people...

  • And you can double your practice or better as you bring full healing to your clients.

I have used this method very successfully for over two decades. It works and I can teach you how it can work for you.

If you’re ready to be a fly on the wall in my counseling sessions as I reveal the strategies, methods, and principles we’re using to accomplish all of this...

...Grab your copy below of "In His Name" and let me show you how my clients are consistently made healed, whole and free.

Truly become the counselor that brings the healing and freedom as you have always wanted to.


I think you are the best Christian counselor I've ever counseled with and I’ve been to a dozen in my lifetime. In my spirit I believe this is such a sacred calling and I hope God blesses you with many clients.


Kim, you’re counseling is phenomenal.

No one is doing what you do!


I walked into the weekend intensive with the weight of the world on my shoulders and walked out free as a bird. God is so good and Dr. Kim is an amazing counselor.

About Dr. Kim West

I’ve been doing what others say can’t be done for two decades – completely and permanently healing trauma and abuse memories easily, permanently and completely.

No years of therapy. No tolerable recovery, just removing the pain and shame of trauma and abuse in one weekend.

Combining my Doctorate in Clinical Pastoral Counseling with my Master of Divinity and twenty years of success-based counseling, I have brought real healing and true freedom to hundreds of clients.

With my help, my clients are freed from the painful memories that limited their life and kept them stuck in the past. After working with me, there are no more painful memories left to keep them from accomplishing their dreams.

I am also passionate about teaching my method. I’m starting a revolution of counselors worldwide with the same abilities to set their clients free while helping them to prosper.

You Have Two Options...

Meet with Me Right Away...

...I want to hear about your dreams for your clients and your goals for your practice.

I will tell you the details of my

Weekend Breakthrough training

so you can begin quickly

healing your clients

in your own Weekend Breakthroughs and

doubling your income.

Let me answer your questions and show you how what was once thought to be impossible is absolutely possible with God.

...or Read the Book First you know exactly how my clients are healed in a weekend and yours can be too. Then, let's talk.

Are you ready to transform your practice and your life? Don’t wait another moment. Take action today and double your income while providing unmatched healing to your clients.

Grab your copy of "In His Name" in digital or print format.

The time for change is now. You deserve to achieve financial success and witness the profound healing of your clients. Embrace this opportunity and let “In His Name” guide you to the success you’ve always envisioned.

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